Spiritual Insights from Saints Worldwide


The Story of My Jesus

The Story of My Jesus

Have you ever had an experience when the Spirit spoke to you so intensely that the words undeniably branded on your soul? You could never deny them?

14 years ago, the Spirit branded my soul.

With an intense heat, the Spirit told me,

You have a story to tell.

A story? What story?

I did not have a story. Okay, I did not have a story worth telling. Nothing in my life was exceptional or out of the ordinary.

What story was I supposed to tell?

Draw near unto Me and I will draw near unto You

Draw near unto Me and I will draw near unto You

Have you ever watched as two magnets forcefully fling together as they draw close to one another? My son loves magnets. We have hundreds, if not thousands, of magnets all over our house. You can almost constantly hear the “cling” of two magnets snapping together. 

Let your joy sink deep into their hearts!

Let your joy sink deep into their hearts!

I have always loved the story of Enos. Like many, I hear Enos and my thoughts go directly to prayer. The man who prayed, no wrestled, all through the day and all through the night. Prayers for himself, his people, and even his enemies. Prayers 

Spiritual Lessons Learned during an eclipse

Spiritual Lessons Learned during an eclipse

Discuss five spiritual insights learned during an eclipse.

Guest Post- Finding Hope Amidst Loss: The Cry of A Bereaved Mother

Guest Post- Finding Hope Amidst Loss: The Cry of A Bereaved Mother

It’s been three years, but the pain still feels as fresh as if it happened yesterday. Losing a child is an agony that seeps into every corner of your being, leaving you hollow and broken. I never imagined such a loss, but life had other plans.

Many are the days I wanted to share this story with the world. But every moment I think about jotting something down, I get scared. Scared of crying forever due to grief. 

Today, allow me to pen this down and share the faithfulness of Christ in my life.

Do we know?

Do we know?

I ask you the same questions I had to ask myself:

How often does He whisper to you?

More than that… how often does He whisper to you, and you credit it to your own brilliance?

The answers may surprise you.

How can Jesus help us endure to the end?

How can Jesus help us endure to the end?

This past week I sat in the doctor’s office getting an x-ray for a broken toe.  I jokingly made fun of myself for being able to break my toe by taking too big of a step. “Getting older is hard,” I told myself. I’m not 

The Full Picture

The Full Picture

I love coloring. When I was a little girl. I spent a lot of time with coloring books. My favorites were always the Precious Moments Coloring Books. Though I have absolutely no artistic talent, I found so much joy in watching the colors come together 



In the past year or two I have heard and seen the word manifest all over the place. Apparently, it is something the cool kids say, or do, or believe… or something like that. It is so cool it was the “buzzword” for Gen Z